FEET – Fungus free

Is there anything worse in life than nail fungus? Not in sandal season! If you find yourself on the receiving end of the gift that keeps on giving, then you know what a drag it can be. Nail fungus is like that annoying guy who keeps hitting you – very stubborn and very hard to get rid off. But I’ve learned that if you treat them both agressively, they’ll eventually get the massage and disappear for good. Best of all, there’s no need for those costly, liver-damaging drugs. These home remedies are safe and cost-effective. Just be consistent, and apply twice a day on everyday.

1. Mix solution of one part tea tree oil and one part lavender oil. Take a Q Tip or brush and apply the oil to the entire infected nail and the area around it. Tea Tree oil is a natural antibiotic and antiseptic, and lavender oil will fight the infection and prevent skin irritation, plus, it’s smells pretty.

2. If you don’t mind the smell of vinegar, use a medicine dropper and apply apple cider vinegar directly to the nail. Fungus cannot thrive in such an acidic environment, so the infection will soon die.

3. No matter which solution you choose, apply religiously until the nail gorws out completely; this could mean up to six months for fingernails, and up to 12 months for toenails

About temurun

Health ranger, holistic researcher and a formulator for natural products.
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